Mes questions

Q: spare motor ?

demandé par BG282012194 sur 2021-08-16 08:55:00

GroundControlRC Ididn't see a motor listed specifically for this F16 but the motor for the Eachine Mini F22 should work as it's also a coreless 1020 motor and it is listed. I just did a search for Eachine Mini F22 Mo... Voir Plus

2021-08-23 06:51:00 Utile (0)
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Q: has this battery got a JST connector?

demandé par BG282012194 sur 2021-08-15 08:33:43

Alun Spence no it's not a just connector

2021-08-18 16:01:27 Utile (0)
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GroundControlRC No,the PNP version does not come with a receiver or gyro. You can always install you own receiver with a gyro. See you in the Air! Ground Control RC

2021-08-08 14:00:01 Utile (1)
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