Mes questions

BG368515354 Hi Jon as long as it is working and setup correctly And you have killed the power to a level that is appropriate then yes there is no reason why not. As long as it is installed in the correct plane (... Voir Plus

2020-06-24 20:15:28 Utile (1)
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ridgeracer I agree. Also find a spot that is away from excess vibration and use thick enough double sided tape.

2020-06-04 11:51:36 Utile (2)
Réponses (4)

Q: Will this be available in the UK warehouse?

demandé par Sulian2 sur 2021-02-13 04:09:28

BG111054512 Probably not, if so where are they ??

2021-04-30 07:56:37 Utile (2)
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Q: Can you confirm the diameter of the propeller shaft please

demandé par JonSweet sur 2020-11-19 14:31:08

Partocracy Hello, we have sent the question to the supplier, will get back to you soon.

2020-12-04 04:20:52 Utile (0)
Réponses (1)