Mes questions

Q: Tem disponível o modelo 60Hz 24v/110v?

demandé par Willans2021 sur 2021-07-09 07:41:46

taggel if at the selection menu, the values you need are blank and not highlighted, then it means its not available. If it is highlighted, then it is available.

2021-08-21 05:13:23 Utile (0)
Réponses (1)

Q: porque ninguém responde?

demandé par Willans2021 sur 2021-07-10 14:39:51

taggel could you please be more specific?

2021-08-21 05:03:17 Utile (0)
Réponses (2)

Q: It is 60Hz?

demandé par Willans2021 sur 2021-07-09 08:02:15

JoGeo Yeah, it has an output of 120V 60Hz

2021-07-18 01:41:04 Utile (1)
Réponses (1)