Mes questions

Q: This doesn't go around a curved wheel rim.

demandé par BG173845418 sur 2022-09-01 00:26:41

BG334235449 devi tagliare e incollare

2022-09-03 07:35:46 Utile (0)
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Q: Could someone grab the phone from the holder ?

demandé par BG173845418 sur 2021-09-30 18:25:38

micky7120 the sides of the holder are mechanical and there is a metal screw that tightens the sides securing your phone, once tightened, no, someone couldn't grab your phone

2021-10-07 17:21:22 Utile (1)
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AndyReischle It is to unlock the lamp to remove it. It should click when you insert it and you need to press the button to unlock it for removal.

2022-04-21 01:44:50 Utile (1)
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