Mes questions

Q: Is there a manual available?

demandé par prefontdon sur 2022-04-27 07:07:56

The seller Hello friend, you can ask customer service to provide

2022-04-28 01:06:48 Utile (0)
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The seller No, they are all well welded and work well. If you receive products with quality problems, you can connect to after-sales customer service.

2021-12-06 03:34:23 Utile (0)
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Q: I cannot answer the installation questions if they are not in English.

demandé par prefontdon sur 2021-11-23 05:39:42


2021-11-25 21:13:38 Utile (0)
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Q: Can I use the Arduino Adafruit SD libraries like "CardInfo"?

demandé par prefontdon sur 2020-08-04 12:03:51

g_capitello Penso proprio di sì. Cercando sul web il nome o il codice del componente, si trovano esempi o soluzioni funzionanti che includono l'utilizzo delle librerie e che si possono prendere come spunto per pe... Voir Plus

2021-11-25 01:14:19 Utile (0)
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