Mes questions

Q: Can I change chinese voice to english?

demandé par BhagvanPatel sur 2023-11-07 06:56:26

The seller Hello, ours is with English voice. Is there any problem after you purchased the product? You can contact our customer service.

2023-11-07 21:29:20 Utile (0)
Réponses (1)

Q: can it use in 48v 24ah bettrey?

demandé par Bhagvan Patel sur 2019-03-17 03:19:57

adman yes. as long as it doesn't exceed 35amp. Or bypass discharge

2020-01-27 19:28:42 Utile (0)
Réponses (2)

Q: can it support 48v 24 ah bettrey?

demandé par Bhagvan Patel sur 2019-03-17 02:36:14

Snoutwolf23 48V 13S 15A-45A

2019-04-01 02:58:43 Utile (0)
Réponses (1)