Mes questions

Q: do you sell spare Propellers (1A+1B) for the F007 5G WIFI FPV ?

demandé par BG115015252 sur 2020-08-21 06:22:02

Pqgarvis There is no spare propellers for F007 drone.

2020-09-03 05:10:25 Utile (0)
Réponses (1)

Q: do you sell spare Propellers (1A+1B) for the F007 5G WIFI FPV drone?

demandé par BG115015252 sur 2020-08-21 06:31:40

Podocarp Hello, you can use\" contact us\" to contact banggood customer service and you will get a quickly reply:

2020-09-01 21:08:49 Utile (1)
Réponses (1)