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shaygrantham What lipo would you upgrade to?

werdpc 03/11/2016
just got my bison in the mail yesterday. Shipping was super fast. Ordered on friday shipped on monday on my doorstep tuesday...from Hong kong and I live in GA USA. Amazing! I was expecting a 2 weeks. The car looks awesome. I also have a hobiba 1/8 buggy(which is such a badass car) and the bison looks large and In charge sitting next to it and the bison is a 1/10 scale. Good ride height(3 inches or so). shocks are a bit soft for some maybe but feel very nice and smooth. that can be changed with a heavier weight shock oil. It's also fairly light weight for its size. tires seem pretty good. I've done some runs on pavement and there is very little wear on them. The battery seems cheap. It's the exact same size as a 2s that I have for my buggy and its a 3s. i can't charge it at more than a 1.7 amp rate for some reason. which is weird for a 3.5 amp battery. I will be buying a better battery soon for sure and will probably get a little more punch...but the provided one works ok. 15 - 20 minute run times. The transmitter feels kindof cheap but it is digital and has dual rates for both throttle and steering which is nice if you let kids or inexperienced buddies drive it. it works. I'm fine with it. no instructions for the transmitter by the way. that would have been nice to include. The car drives nice. it's like a Cadillac compared to my buggy. very quiet and smooth. the power delivery is very smooth. it's very easy to putt around slowly if you like. maybe even do a little crawling. brakes work well. wheelie bar is a great feature and works great. Power is pretty good especially for the smallish motor. I haven't clocked top speed yet but I would guess 45mph give or take ...plenty fast. On my first run I did have an issue. The motor pinion gear came loose and I had no go at all. I had to take the motor out and retighten the screw and added some thread lock and it seems fine now. I was relieved that nothing was broken. Speaking of the car is very easy to work on. everything is right there and easy to get to. Hopefully it is as durable as it is good looking. to early to tell right now. Hopefully banggood will stock spare parts. That's about it I think. Good car for the money just like my hobiba. big brand name cars with the same features and performance cost around $500. It's worth it to me to save a couple hundred and try an off brand. Thanks banggood! you guys kick ass.
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