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BG521045725 in the search box of your settings type FPV. If it doesn't find FPV then the receiver won't work on your phone.

2020-12-24 02:35:36 Utile (0)
réponses (3)

Q: I have a FOX F36-522C will it fit my table saw?

demandé par BG541015231 sur 2020-12-23 06:30:53

BG521045725 the slide block is 18.80mm or .74 inch wide and 9.30mm or .368 inch thick. I hope that helps you.

2020-12-24 02:29:35 Utile (0)
réponses (1)

Q: Can the face shield be flipped or swiveled up and out of the way?

demandé par sur 2020-05-15 03:06:23

BG521045725 mine could flip up but had to use both hands.

2020-09-21 05:46:50 Utile (0)
réponses (1)