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Q: Is this powered from USB-C too ?

demandé par xqtr26 sur 2019-11-29 01:27:28

HY64 actually,I remember there was an adapter in the photo. But basically my order number changed after I couldn't pay after presenting the offer as iPhone 7 first. As if there was a mistake here. I've already noticed and I said cancel or fix the error but without anything, they quickly mailed the product.. It wasn't legal to me. I watched the TS100 from You tube and decided to order it for that reason. I called the TS100, but I was wrong here when SQ001 came out on the screen.. However, you did not correct this error.. I wrote to you as a request. I'm sorry.

2020-12-10 05:09:45 Utile (1)
réponses (6)

HY64 So, compared to the mini TS100, which sold 6300 units, what's really upgraded about it? So in my country there is satisfaction about the TS100. However, we do not have very confident information about SQ001. it's made up of missing parts. No gripper part no adapter, and there should have been parts needed for other soldering. And the most objectionable part was the online search TS100 instead of SQ001 offers you.. IT'S A FALSE PERCEPTION.. should not be done. Confidence is jarring..

2020-12-10 05:09:16 Utile (0)
réponses (3)