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Q: No informations concerning waterproofing caracteristics ?

demandé par michelabdul sur 2020-05-20 05:02:10

BG425318920 Theunderside has some holes, you can see them on third photo, top-right corner. Three parallel cutouts. Leading almost directly to the electronics inside, so if water gets there, it's busted. No other visible openings. Other than that, it seems pretty much splash-resistant. Definitely not submersion-proof.

2020-10-08 07:47:19 Utile (0)
réponses (2)

BG425318920 Thereactually is SOME firware there already, but it's mostly useless. You may see a few navigable screen and you may try scanning for WiFis and connecting to them (entering password via on-screen keyboard works) but that's all. No other function works. You definitely want to update it with a different firmware.

2020-10-08 07:36:39 Utile (0)
réponses (4)