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Panozlamoz After six days of using the tablet, ghost touches appeared on the screen and I started be disappointed with the product.And on the 3rd the videos on Facebook and Instagram stopped working, after , turning off the device the videos working again but that's not a solution.So I'm going for refound, that's so sad ..

Panozlamoz 19/05/2023
Commentaires (3)

Q: is it possible to send faster? like DHL?

demandé par BG391681614 sur 2023-04-08 03:24:23

Panozlamoz No i don't think so

2023-05-06 04:17:47 Utile (0)
réponses (2)

Panozlamoz Global means that it works with more LTE frequency bands than the Chinese version,it supports global updates,not Chinese e.t.c

2022-12-06 02:00:42 Utile (0)
réponses (3)