
Q: How it measure the blood presure?

demandé par Dani sur 2019-08-10 08:04:00

Thilo Itis not a correct medical measurement. It takes the mediate pressure of your gender and age and use a kind of laserlight powered reflection sensor (absorption of a specific light by haemoglobin) on its bottom to get the variation of the density of your blood. It is not completely clear to me how this works, but it is something like this. It definitely do only an estimation. I checked it against a medical device. And it varies depending on the age and the gender you use in the app. But mostly it is pretty close to reality :-)

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Q: ele é recarregável?

demandé par atila168 sur 2019-08-10 05:46:11

Thilo No(nao)! It is battery (pilha) operated with a standard CR2032 lithium battery (same as for CMOS-RAM in computers). It will last 1-2 years depending on use.

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Q: Can I use this without a controller ?

demandé par LULU sur 2019-08-10 02:58:25

Thilo Sorry,but I do not understand your question. This IS a controller (which transmits its signals wireless) with a receiver. Controllers are more expensive than receivers, so it has no use to buy this article because of the receiver. Buy a suitable receiver for your transmitter. Depending on the kind of receiver you need it will be cheaper... And the use of the receiver with an other transmitter than a DumboRC is a problem because you do not know the operation method of the wireless connection. Transmitter AND receiver must be able to use the same method to match.

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Q: Este producto que incluye? Todo lo que aparece en las 12 fotos?

demandé par Israelgarciajai sur 2019-07-06 10:18:19

Thilo No!Only one of the receivers. A8S or X6B or iA6B receiver. It is your choice at order. See line 'Model: ' below 'Mode: '!

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Q: Where should I connect the power input?

demandé par cirsteaandrei sur 2019-06-24 15:43:42

Thilo Thepower today normally sources from a BEC in an ESC (so it is a kind of self powered electronic servo). It will be feed through the servo MINUS (bottom row on the PCB; Printed Circuit Board) an the servo PLUS/POWER (5 Volt more or less, middle row) to the receiver automatically. So if you need external power you can use any of the four connectors if available or solder an extra wire to the middle row (RED/PLUS/ 5V) and the bottom/outer row (BLACK/MINUS/GROUND). Only do it if necessary because you use 4 standard servos or you need a stronger BEC. The solder points of these two rows are bound together (on each row individually) by the PCB.

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Q: Vem manual em portugues?

demandé par nmaizonetti sur 2019-06-14 11:57:58

Thilo Mymanual is English and Chinese. And the English one is not bad but a little bit confusing. I can't judge about the Chinese one. Maybe there is a download in Portuguese somewhere?

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Q: the pointer glows in the dark?

demandé par Guilherme Ropke sur 2019-06-14 21:35:18

Thilo No!

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