
Q: Can this display be used with a Raspberry Pi 3B?

demandé par MarkSBurgunder sur 2018-12-04 14:25:20

grumpy_gnome Don't know about PIs, but I have used the 16x2 version of this module with an ESP32 microcontroller using 3.3V logic to drive the SDA and SCL lines, but powering the module with 5V (so I can see the display).

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grumpy_gnome Do a search for "LCD 2004A datasheet". based on a look at the results, most of these panels seem to use an Hitachi HD44780 or compatible LCD controller. See results from systronix or hobbytronics. A little digging will get to a datasheet - BG won't allow direct links.

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grumpy_gnome Extend the power cable and protect the joint, which should be soldered, with adhesive heat shrink and/or normal heat shrink with silicone.

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