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BG169382361 30/04/2021
received my order on the 15th day of express shipping! received in good order, however like seen in the pictures the tow and camber is slightly out. this being my first fully adjustable car I gotta ask how to adjust?! other then that happy with the car, recover and charger. (would suggest eventually purchasing a proper balance charger for better cell preformace).
Commentaires (8)
  • JPoen Tow and camber depends on several things. It's a matter of trial & error and the surface of your track. You may want to pickup a tow & camber measuring tool at your hobby store to aid you in making precise adjustments. Remember, if you elect to put some weight on the front for better steering/tire bite, always check your settings afterwards. Lastly, I used to keep a log of the degrees with the date and type of surface I was running on, along with how the buggy/truck performed with each set of values for tow & camber (and amount of added weight). Good luck, have fun tinkering with your new buggy!!!😃

    Répondre 09/05/2021
  • JPoen See recent YouTube video review by RCSaylors. It was an out-of-box speed-test and they mention and shown how wonky the camber and tow was. They were able to achieve 25 mph on asphalt. I believe it would have been faster if they had made prio adjustments. My suggestion is to hook up with a knowledgeable racer or salesman in your hobby shop, to obtain the prober tools and caliper to make adjustments. Keep a log of them and the surface your running on. Good luck!

    Répondre 09/05/2021
  • BG441042941 There are a type of turn buckle on most cars. If you look closely it’s fairly obvious which ones do what. There are tons of YouTube videos that show every possible adjustment and upgrade for most

    Répondre 27/09/2021
  • BG351352543 Yes. The log of what degree your tow and camber is set is best for me. It helps me adjust for gravel for more tire sliding. And kore stability when sliding thru corners. Not having to worry about how sharp of a turn to make. Then there’s hard packed dirt tracks or roads. Where I have to worry about too much grip. How much of the tire is being used while in a turn. It all comes down to it working Nd functioning like an actual vehicular. Of course you can’t ride this one but seeing how it performs all depends on how week you learn the settings and learn how to calibrate for a RC that’s eventually good for everything and you don’t need to fiddle with it anymore. It’s just trial and error as explained in previous comments. All I can say is if you’re still having this problem. Go to your local hobby shop and ask them to guide you or mentor you to take better care of your toys.

    Répondre 16/02/2022
  • Haig32 Im looking to upgrade my front bumper and swing arms to metal but im havin a difficult time finding them can you help?

    Répondre 18/03/2023
  • smooth It has adjustable turnbuckles. All RTR’s come with toe out. It makes it more stable. Most people run slight toe in on the back. With buggies and rock racers. No toe in or out will be the fastest for the front. Caster/Camber effect so many things. I would run 0 degrees on both. Just have fun. Unless you’re in some serious racing. Then make read up on it and make one adjustment at a time. Then test it. It all comes down to your driving style and what you feel comfortable with. Just have fun. Keep slight toe in on the rear tires. 👍👍👍

    Répondre 04/01/2024
  • BG322120403 Believe it or not you want the front tires straight because when you break hard it will flip end over end they are straight ..Also when it's under hard acceleration and it squats the tire straightens out...If you do anything pull the right front in just a little

    Répondre 01/08/2024
  • BG229483825 It's quite normal....make slow adjustments

    Répondre 02/11/2024
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