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Top Avis positif pour %s sur Banggood, Achetez le meilleur %s avec le prix le plus bas sur Banggood. Parcourez l'avis positif le plus utile pour %s avant d'acheter., jouets rc, sports amusants, mode, électronique populaire
BG340135751 28/03/2021
Good quality cell's, specifications seems accurate as it outputs the advertised 5A in full sun. DC output is not regulated and it exceeds the advertised 18V, no load output voltage is 22V so be careful if you want to power something from the DC output to be able to handle the 22V. I wanted to power a battery charger which can't take more than 18V so I added a voltage regulator (Buck converter) to the DC output in order to limit the no load output voltage down to 18V. The velcro band form the pocket came loos from the stitching only after 3 or 4 openings but it's not a big issue it can be glued back, so I give it only 4 stars.
Commentaires (1)
  • Pogichinoy Howdo you add a voltage regulator? And can you please provide a link of one you used? Thank you

    Répondre 20/09/2021
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