Mes questions

Bushpilot go wtih 2 omnis like 2x lollipop v4 plus or axii2. if you want to use diversity then get a patch and omni. mix works better with same antenna x2

2022-01-04 10:38:12 Utile (2)
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HazzahFPV You can also use the Buzzer+ (B+) as another 5v source. I was able to get everything connected to one pad, so with careful soldering that works too. Or use a VTX that can supply additional 5V for the ... Voir Plus

2021-11-16 14:37:44 Utile (0)
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dengjunbao 1. Refer to the website above, update your transmitter with proper firmware. 2. Screw down the antenna of module tightly, and then install TX Module to the module bay of your transmitter. 3. Power on ... Voir Plus

2020-03-27 05:04:52 Utile (2)
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Q: someone tried the 11KV with 2S on 50-60g toothpick?

demandé par fabiolandi sur 2021-01-29 02:01:53

Sensei_D Yup, but only on 65mm biblades and motor output @ ~90%... It will not get you insane runtimes, but a respectable 4 minutes can easily be reached. And man... it is a rocket! Currently my favorite drone... Voir Plus

2021-07-19 00:34:13 Utile (3)
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