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Q: smartlife app compatible?

demandé par natoilva sur 2023-06-24 04:15:06

TedCooper the blitzHome app does not share its command set with smartlife. Only if some private individual got the command set from BlitzHome and then used the OpenApp interface would you have connection. I think you might get "on" and "off" to work with smartlife, but nothing else.

2023-06-25 01:31:31 Utile (1)
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Q: can the handle motor electronics? I'm wiring up my motorcycle

demandé par SLOMOTION256 sur 2023-04-05 08:29:42

TedCooper THe product spec says they can handle 35 amps. But Chinese specs always overstate what reality permits. If your motorcycle needs less than 25 amps, you probably are safe. TEST: wire them in, run the motorcycle in its most current rich state you plan to use it (lights on?), and then take a temperature meter and put a piece of black tape on the connector. If the temperature gun says 150 deg F or less, then you are most likely safe. If it is at 150 deg F, I would measure it several times over a month to see if it raisers higher because of corrosion.

2023-04-05 01:29:45 Utile (1)
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Q: can I get readout of radiation level to send to external computer?

demandé par TedCooper sur 2023-03-31 04:03:06

thanasaki No, there is no interface to connect it to an external device (computer) The USB terminal is just for charging

2023-03-31 06:31:32 Utile (3)
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Q: is this dc output connector size 5.5mm x 2.1 mm ? if not , what size ?

demandé par BG571516143 sur 2023-01-16 08:56:52

TedCooper It has been awhile since I used panel, I keep it in the RV as emergency backup. The primary connector is raw copper wire clamps that you screw down onto wires. The DC plug uses this connector from Amazon: It is 2.1mm by 5.5mm DC connector.

2023-01-17 02:19:25 Utile (0)
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TedCooper since this glue gun only moves the glue out when you hold down the trigger, that means that no stand is needed for glue gun like the old guns required. The tip is not that hot when you let go of the trigger so you just set the gun down on the table between applications. It works like a champ to give you a small amount of glue after the heating cycle is complete

2022-08-16 11:42:35 Utile (0)
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TedCooper 22/04/2022
Commentaires (2)

TedCooper Ihave used Coleman Lantern Mantles as a TH232 source. Gives me about 1.5microSieverts/hr touching the back side in the middle. Very sensitive. I have tested some very old glass and it gives readings above the background of 0.06 microSieverts/hr. So unit is sensitive.

TedCooper 22/04/2022
Commentaires (2)

TedCooper Do not believe the Watts rating. Believe only the max Amps rating at the voltage you are using. I have had their controllers "smoke" after just a few seconds at the max watts rating. And a pump is going to involve inductance surges as the motor starts. That will make for instantaneous wattage uses way above the sustained values. I would put a "watt killer" device in the line that can record max wattage. It will amaze you what a refrigerator draws as it starts up. Dr. Ted Cooper Amazon

2022-05-26 06:06:02 Utile (1)
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