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turdsurfer Why not 'bang'? Simply replying 'no' is a useless answer.

2022-06-26 03:13:17 Utile (0)
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BG113520512 I think they already started shortening the pins as mine came with clipped pins. I still used a file to make me duller and taped it up

2021-09-30 05:08:57 Utile (1)
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Q: Where can we buy spare propellers for it?

demandé par turdsurfer sur 2022-06-22 11:27:34

Septimal Hi,the spare propeller is not available.

2022-06-22 08:48:19 Utile (0)
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Q: What is the purpose of that plastic Kaaba on the circuit board?

demandé par turdsurfer sur 2021-04-26 04:24:18

BG233217171 It's the built in ceramic antenna; It won't require any antenna wires sticking out.

2021-04-26 07:04:32 Utile (2)
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Q: What is their height in mm?

demandé par turdsurfer sur 2021-05-07 02:04:10

kostya1133 23

2021-11-16 04:00:58 Utile (1)
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gaevega No, non manca niente, è la versione go 2 più accessori.

2021-10-29 12:08:09 Utile (0)
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dengjunbao Only jumper T-lite can be used, if you want to use it on frsky x lite and tbs tango2, you need to change the connector yourself

2021-05-17 01:59:45 Utile (3)
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Q: Which SmartAudio version does it support?

demandé par turdsurfer sur 2021-05-04 01:35:43

Lyoid customized firmware

2021-06-09 05:46:30 Utile (0)
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