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Q: Can I drive with the camera on all the time?

demandé par LeRoi sur 2021-06-15 12:52:31

skemo I do not believe that it is illegal to have your camera on all the time, in fact cameras have proved to help exonerate or convict the driver. as with any electronic in your car. do not let yourself become that distracted driver.

2021-07-29 08:47:39 Utile (2)
réponses (1)

Q: Does the motor have a centrifugal clutch?

demandé par LeRoi sur 2021-02-05 12:09:55

Chartreuse sorry, i do not know about it. you could contact the supplier for help.

2021-03-09 09:22:29 Utile (0)
réponses (1)