
Q: распродали уже модели ?

demandé par kirill sur 2020-01-12 00:46:51

smoothrc28 I bought one of those years ago still have it. It’s not as good as the crawlers they are selling today!!

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smoothrc28 I have one too. It’s in perfect condition. I’m surprised you still have one. I haven’t flown mine in years. Actually never really flown it. Never could setup the transmitter correctly. You definitely cannot use any servo l!! You will have to measure and get one the same size. Or very close. Because everything has to line up. Then I think they are analog. Then all of the specs. Speed torque Etc. Don’t know how old this post is. But if this servo worked let us know. Thanks!!

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smooth Want the wing and mount. Instead of tire. Anyone know where 🙏🙏

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smooth You can read the description!! It tells you everything. You don’t bind to a channel. You bind to a transmitter. If you can’t read directions. You shouldn’t buy this helicopter. You should start with a 4 channel beginner helicopter. You have to read and learn yourself. You can’t ask other people everything. You will never learn anything.

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Q: Whats involved in using a Spektrum BX8 Transmitter to the E-180 ?

demandé par tcruth sur 2022-01-18 20:53:59

smooth First you have to put a satellite receiver inside the helli. Then follow the manual for set up your radio. You have a DX8 not a BX8. That must be a mistake. Set up your radio using the F-180 manual. Create a new model and put all the settings in. Make sure your trims are centered. Before setup. Then bind it to your radio. I bought the same helicopter. But i bought it RTF so i would not have to go thru all that. Really the radio is probably cheaper than buying a receiver and setting up your radio. I also use the radio to fly the Eachine E160 too. I think the radio is 53 dollars. Both helicopters are the best i ever had in that size. If you could maybe you can buy the E160 RTF. Then you will have the radio you won't have to touch anything. Except when binding. I put the second heli on model 2. The radio has up to10 models. Hope this helps!!

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Q: le stock sera réapprovisionné quand ?

demandé par bedudavy sur 2020-04-06 06:51:06

smooth Idon't think they sell it anymore. You can google it maybe somebody else sells it. Or SST Racing makes great products. maybe there is something similar that you can buy.

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Q: When is it going to be in stock??

demandé par Axel Eklund sur 2019-11-18 10:30:07

smooth Idon't see this for sale anymore. I bought one a long time ago. About 2 or 3 yrs ago. Great buggy very fast. Still running great. But you should for a similar SST Racing buggy or monster truck. SST Racing makes great products. If you really want it Google it maybe somebody else sells it.

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