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Ali123 27/08/2023
I bought Walkera v120d02s over 10 years ago and if I compare their crash resistance, Walkera was made from egg shells and XK from titanium. It had a lot of vibrations out of the box but after tightening all the screws, especially between the blade clips, vibrations are now minimal. The swash plate is the same as on Walkera, so I put a metal one on, even though the plastic one was just fine. After 10+ crashes, I only managed to break the rear canopy pins, so I tied a plastic band to prevent the canopy from vibrating. When I was looking at the tail motor, I pulled it out just a little, and I broke one of the thin wires, so I soldiered some thicker ones and taped them under the tail rod with some light wind tape. The tail prop can easily become loose, so I put a drop of CA glue on it to hold it tight. I use Gaoneng 520mah lihv. It can bind with Jumper t8sg.
Commentaires (1)
  • smooth Very true!! I actually still have mine. I rebuilt it after a couple of crashes. Been in a box ever since. I have many older helicopters. From heli-max. Someday soon. I want to list them on EBay..

    Répondre 25/02/2024
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