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Beaver_XT 19/10/2021
Best version of K989. In essence this is still the K989 but with different body. The chassis, open diffs, wheels, grip tyres are still the same. However there are some changes here and there to make it the best budget 1/28 possible. The new transmitter has 0 play or deadzone at the centre of the steering, steering trim and most importantly throttle dual rate to limit the speed. However there’s a bad news. This is the 144001 protocol so it doesn’t work with the original K9 series. Overall quality is still the same. You will still need to inspect and fix it just like before.
Commentaires (11)
  • reekoo Nice one. more scale look, way more beautiful than the k989 body I think. the radio is so small, like mine 144001 as you said, it's a really pro, to put it in a bag.

    Répondre 25/10/2021
  • BG195448383 Bvviihyy

    Répondre 23/12/2021
  • harmonicgleam Beavers reviews are solid. Thanks.

    Répondre 25/12/2021
  • BG525316422 ever notice beaver NEVER has something negative to say?? he's never had 1 single issue out ALL the things he commented on? 1st thing I noticed about this place is the comments sound like infomercials!! just remember where these products come from,the rules are different there

    Répondre 07/01/2022
  • xtRaymon21 he receives the fully build or semi build kit for testing purposes and i envy the man for his honesty. He did have some criticism of the WLToys by not including a very inexpensive hex-wrench for replacing the wheels and isn’t supposed to be a nagging problem So did this ever accrue to you?

    Répondre 19/01/2022
  • jansonnemann Beaveris the best youtube-tester for small drift- and touring-cars. I absolutly trust his evaluation!

    Répondre 02/02/2022
  • brianr907 Tome the earlier versions were well made as this if not better. The body needs to be removed each time you turn on which is VERY annoying I'm cutting a access hole to be able to push the button on and off with a small length of plastic rod. I now have both versions am pleased with both but would NOT say it was best version as its not.

    Répondre 30/03/2022
  • RLRR_LRLL he never has something negative to say???? Have you not watched beaver’s videos, he points out issues all the time..

    Répondre 28/06/2022
  • Franken1984 pointing out issues is not negative if it makes the produsers improve on their products 😉

    Répondre 01/09/2022
  • BG134455531 I want buy

    Répondre 23/10/2022
  • AudiUrs420vturbo Kann man den Radabstand auf 115mm erweitern? ✌️

    Répondre 23/06/2023
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