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Top Avis positif pour %s sur Banggood, Achetez le meilleur %s avec le prix le plus bas sur Banggood. Parcourez l'avis positif le plus utile pour %s avant d'acheter., jouets rc, sports amusants, mode, électronique populaire
Shuvo1983 15/08/2023
Very nice rc boat with gorgeous colour and metall parts in the back side of the boat as for example radar and propeller.It's very large boat and it's bigger than the actual size mentioned in the description.I measured it almost 68 cm from front side of the boat to the end of radar. Just tested that everything with battery powered and found everything is working great❤️ And i'm quite sure this boat is gonna perform very good in the water.Can't wait to play with in the water.It will a lot fun😊 Am just greatly surprised by Banggood pastage method.It was really fast delivery .I ordered bthe boat on 1st Agusti and received it today at 15 Agusti. So it took only 10 working days to received the boat which absolutely fenomenal.Thanks a lot Banggood N.B. Am going to review again after playing in the water
Commentaires (4)
  • BG181617065 hallo . important question.can this boat. flip round. like,the ft series , ft 011. they looked a like . Mvh Rene' Pedersen Vejle Denmark. important.ok.

    Répondre 09/02/2024
  • BG181617065 hallo can it flippe over when you, Cass. Mvh Rene' Pedersen Vejle , place tell me.ok.

    Répondre 15/02/2024
  • BG181617065 it is a very brutiful both.i have to no, can it flip back , when you,are upside down. jest like the ft ,011. do. ok tell me. Mvh Rene' Pedersen Vejle Denmark.thanks for the picture.s

    Répondre 15/02/2024
  • Shuvo1983 Hi!
    sorry for a late reply.Yes, it can flip easily.You just need to go back word with full trigger and do the same thing immediately with forward trigger then its gonna flip in a second.
    This is a fantastic boat and a very good range also .the range is May be more than 200 m but i tried it within 200 m.

    Répondre 02/03/2024
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