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Top Avis positif pour %s sur Banggood, Achetez le meilleur %s avec le prix le plus bas sur Banggood. Parcourez l'avis positif le plus utile pour %s avant d'acheter., jouets rc, sports amusants, mode, électronique populaire
burgess 04/08/2023
Another of the 400mm micro series warbirds. I just copied over the last one in my transmitter(TX16S) changed the receiver number and in this case changed the V761 protocol to TOPRC version and it bound and operates just like all the others. Love these little warbirds and I am waiting for my FW190 to arrive soon. Will be so easy to set up by cloning another and changing the rcvr number and the picture. Keep them coming Banggood and I will keep buying them.
Commentaires (1)
  • BG167319133 I didn’t know you could change receiver number …is that just the boxer or can you do that with other 4 n 1s

    Répondre 13/10/2023
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