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Although it is a nice and low-priced driver, it is far from a quality TB6600 driver. Opened it up and the IC is a TB67S109AFTG. It's quite capable, operating voltage for the IC is maxed at 50v, so the advised 40v Max Power Supply is reasonable if there's any voltage spikes from the motor under braking. Solder work and cooling of the IC is low quality, you're advised to open it up and check the heatsink connection. Best I think is to replace the heatsink with a bigger one if possible. Tried it on NEMA 23 motor with Z-axis I just finished, works nicely but with no load it got hot very very fast. (Admitted, that's with outside 35'C temperatures as I'm in Thailand.) Overall, for the price, its a really good driver to start in the world of 3d Printing and CNC, but expect it to not last too long if you're moving big loads with it.
Habe die Treiber montiert und getestet mit Nema 23 180ncm Motoren nach kurzer Zeit (~10-15min) blieb die erste Achse wegen Übertemperatur stehen. Chip ist mit WL Paste und Stücke Alu Blech montiert zwischen Gehäuse (Kühlrippen) und Alu Blech ist keine WL Paste sehr schlechte wärme Abgabe. Nach Reinigen und ordentlicher Wärme abfuhr liefen die Achsen länger (30-45min) aber noch nicht Dauerhaft. Jetzt mit aktiv Kühlung 12V PC Lüfter Ø90mm fahren sie Problem los.