BG428813438 bom dia meu rc q901 1/16 ESC 35 aguentar o motor 2845 3100kv e se ele encaixa bem no esc 35 original q901
Répondre 16/10/2021BG428813438 olá eu comprei motor 3100kv ele é melhor do que 3930kv
Répondre 23/10/2021Marcooch 3930kv is nice also. It will give your q higher top speed but less torque. You won’t be doing as many wheelies but it will go faster. I would not use the 3930 with the stock esc though
Répondre 23/10/2021BG428813438 Obrigado mais me tira uma duvida 3100kv ele é melhor pro meu q901 e ele corre bem...
Répondre 25/10/2021BG428813438 vc me aconselha eu pegar 3930kv ou fica com 3100kv porque eu queria mais rápido mais ESC pode esquenta...
Répondre 25/10/2021Marcooch This all depends on what you like. I personally like to mix it up and swap motors/esc’s around. if you just want to do a motor upgrade without the need to buy a new esc, esc fan, transmitter and receiver then stick with the 3100kv. It’s plenty fast and has lots of torque. If you want a little more speed and you don’t mind buying all new electronics then by all means, get the 3930. The problem is the stock esc is it has no cooling capability.
Répondre 26/10/2021Marcooch Oh, I just remembered that I also have a surpass hobby 2845 3800kv. I used this motor in my q with the stock esc briefly. The esc actually held up pretty good with it. The 3800 is nice also. A little more torque than the 3930 and a little less speed. If I were you honestly I would get the 3100kv and see how you like it. I don’t think you will be disappointed with it.
Répondre 26/10/2021Marcooch One more thing if you do decide to upgrade all the electronics your led lights will not be compatible. The plug will not work and also the lights will burn out if you do make a harness to plug it into a receiver. They will not handle the BEC voltage from a regular esc/receiver set up
Répondre 26/10/2021BG428813438 Obrigado irmão vc me tirou rodas as minhas dívidas com esses motores eu vou comprar 3100kv mesmo obrigado Por tudo 👍👍👍
Répondre 27/10/2021BG428813438 vc me tirou todas as minhas duvidas obrigado👊
Répondre 28/10/2021Marcooch No problem buddy, good luck!!
Répondre 29/10/2021BG428813438 obrigado irmão pra vc também👍👍👍
Répondre 30/10/2021BG428813438 irmão boa noite meu ESC 35 aguentar esse motor 3930kv
Répondre 06/12/2021ShMarco What’s up brother, the stock 35a esc will run the 3930 motor but the problem is you have no way to cool this esc with a fan so that might cause a problem. I like to experiment with my rcs. Change things around, try out different set ups. Just get the 3930 motor and run it and see how the esc does.
Répondre 08/12/2021BG428813438 ok irmão como sempre muito atencioso muito obrigado pela dica👏👏👏
Répondre 09/12/2021
No problem man, no problem at all.
After talking to you I started thinking… there must be a way to run a fan with the stock 35a esc. So, I I tried it out.
I was able to run a 5v fan by splicing it to the servo harness. You want the black Fan wire to the brown servo wire and red fan wire to red servo wire. Then you can use 2 screws to mount the fan to the car’s center brace. So you can cool esc it if you really want!!
I also tried the easy first way by plugging the fan into the 5v light socket. Unfortunately this doesn’t work. It has 5 volts but the amps are off so the fan won’t run. That would have been nice if it worked
BG428813438 irmão boa noite eu comprei o moto 3930kv para meu 1/16 q901 eu vou usar com meu ESC original mesmo será que vai esquentar.
Répondre 03/02/2022BG428813438 vou fazer um teste pra ver👍
Répondre 03/02/2022Marco320 Ya try it out and let me know how it works. I did not drive the car with a fan hooked up but on the bench it worked perfectly and it did not interfere with the functionality of the servo
Répondre 07/02/2022BG428813438 Irmão blz eu estou querendo trocar o pião do que vai no motor é as engrenagens vc me em diga oque meu rc é q901
Répondre 04/04/2022Marco320 I’m sorry bro, I don’t fully understand. are you talking about the motor pinion gear? The gear that is attached to the motor?
Répondre 06/04/2022BG428813438 sim é o pião que vai no motor queria um mais forte
Répondre 07/04/2022BG428813438 pôquer estou cansado de troca as engrenagens e o pião do motor quero saber se tem outras engrenagens mais forte
Répondre 07/04/2022BG428813438 muito obrigado irmão
Répondre 07/04/2022Marco320 I’m pretty sure you are talking about the motor pinion gear and the spur gear. Unfortunately you cannot change around gears on the Q.
Répondre 08/04/2022
I haven’t had any problems with the gears on mine. Are you greasing the gears? I use super lube synthetic grease.
Also are you using blue thread lock on the grub screw? (Grub screw is the little black screw the holds the gear to the motor) if you do not use thread lock the pinion gear will come loose.
BG428813438 Irmão eu estou usando graxa de lítio e eu também estou usando trava de rosca azul também
Répondre 10/04/2022Marco320 Nice. Not sure why your gears keeping stripping out then. How many times have you replaced the motor gear and the spur gear?
Répondre 13/04/2022
Are you using the stock motor gear? Maybe the motor and spur gear dont mesh properly? to loose or to tight could wreck the gears. But the q motor mount is not adjustable so gear mesh should be good. Idk bro.
I wish BG let us post pics on these message boards so I could see what your dealing with
BG428813438 Blz irmão vou colocar outra nova pra ver blz obrigado pela atenção👍👍👍
Répondre 17/04/2022Marco320 When you switch your gear again just double check everything. Make sure the bearings are good, make sure the spur gear is not worn out
Répondre 18/04/2022Marco320 Also I don’t know if you ever noticed this. when you take it apart again you check this. the center shaft with the spur gear on usually has a decent amount of movement front to back. so when you install the new pinion gear make sure you set it in far enough that when you move the spur gear back and forth it does not hit the grub screw
Répondre 18/04/2022Marco320 One more thing lol. I would clean out all the grease and any debris in there real good. I use q-tips lol. Maybe try a different grease. A lot of people use lithium but I’m personally not a big fan. I like to use super lube synthetic grease with ptfe. It really work great and it’s water proof. I have also used marine grease. That works good too. Sorry, I’m just running through anything I can think of that would cause you to keep stripping out gears.
Répondre 18/04/2022Marco320 Good luck brother
Répondre 18/04/2022BG428813438 Obrigado irmão pela dicas e por ser tão atencioso Boa sorte fique com DEUS
Répondre 26/04/2022Marco320 No problem bro. You as well
Répondre 27/04/2022BG428813438 🙌 obrigado
Répondre 28/04/2022BG428813438 irmão bom dia blz eu comprei esse motor mais foi 2845 5900kv meu ESC é esse original 35A ele aguentar esse motor ou não tenho que mudar de ESC.
Répondre 03/06/2022BG428813438 irmão boa tarde eu coloquei esse motor 2845 5900kv no meu rc q901 com ESC original dele com bateria 2s e o ESC funciona e para depois oque é será
Répondre 04/06/2022
What’s up brother. I’m sorry for the late reply.
I’m honestly surprised the original q901 esc can handle a 5900kv 2845!! Just keep tabs on the esc, battery and motor temps.
If the original esc fails and you plan on keeping the 5900kv in your Q You should get a 60a ESC. Max amps for a 5900kv 2845 is around 90a. The Surpass hobby 2845 5900kv max amps is 88A
The Racer Star 60a ESC is very powerful and its very small. it should fit in your q901.
I have my 60a esc in a px9300 1/18 scale lol.
Marco320 Hey bro, I was just looking at my Q and my racer star 60a. This esc 60A will not fit in the original ESC location. Im sure it can be mounted to the center support but it will be tight. I forgot how little space this thing has. Sorry man
Répondre 20/06/2022Marco320 Oh by the way. I’m curious, did you find why you were stripping gears? Did you fix the problem?
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