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Top Avis positif pour %s sur Banggood, Achetez le meilleur %s avec le prix le plus bas sur Banggood. Parcourez l'avis positif le plus utile pour %s avant d'acheter., jouets rc, sports amusants, mode, électronique populaire
DBHart 28/12/2023
The fact that this thing flies, is amazing. However, once it gets wet, getting enough speed to go airborne can be a challenge. Not sure if it's the motors or the controller, but it looses a significant amount of power. Still fun, just problematic.
Commentaires (1)
  • Bill Well I just purchased this boat/plain....I will shortly see 👀 how 🤔 it does. I will return with news.....

    Répondre 24/01/2024
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