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I requested this battery as I needed a new battery for my sons Power Wheels truck which is a 12V model. I did have to do some modifying to make it fit as it is much larger than a normal SLA battery but the weight savings and higher number of charge cycles was a selling factor for me as well as the fact it is Lithium. The only disadvantage is that we keeps our kids trucks on the front porch of our pool house in our backyard and I leave a Deltran Battery Tender Jr on them year round and this does not have cold protection so I find myself bring the battery in during the winter months. The plus is that my BTJ charger is capable for LiOn batteries as well as LSA so I did not need to replace the charger for this! The manual is really nice has a lot of useful information that you don't normally see from foreign manufacturers and boasts a nice warranty. I cannot speak on the warranty because I have only had this battery for a short time but it is eather going to be a long lasting battery with a warranty just in case or one of those warranties that gets old after having to replace multiple times... Time will tell on that.
Tout d'abord, je dois dire que la batterie est fantastique. J'ai testé la capacité et tout était super. Il s'agit de ma première batterie LiFePo4 et je suis extrêmement enthousiaste quant à ses performances et à sa convivialité. Bien sûr, la qualité à long terme reste à observer, mais jusqu'à présent, tout fonctionne comme décrit : une source d'alimentation bon marché et puissante, adaptée à une utilisation lors de voyages et de pannes de courant.