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Top Avis positif pour %s sur Banggood, Achetez le meilleur %s avec le prix le plus bas sur Banggood. Parcourez l'avis positif le plus utile pour %s avant d'acheter., jouets rc, sports amusants, mode, électronique populaire
ELKADY2000 07/09/2017
All these offers are false. When the time comes to get it you are unfortunately told they were all sold. They are deceitful and liars.[em_64] [em_64] [em_64] [em_64] [em_64] [em_64] [em_64] [em_64] [em_64] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70] [em_70]
Commentaires (2)
  • achobby ELKADY2000{|}well i won on the snap up deals so I can safely say they are not false deals ...there are a lot of people in the wholes world trying to get the same item at once so unfortunately you was slower than them people

    Répondre 07/09/2017
  • ELKADY2000 achobby{|}Dear achobby .. The vast majority of those who took part in this silly game were collected as a fraud and waste time .. How dear, click on Compressor to buy at the same moment as the counter to zero and come the same ridiculous message All units sold. My focus at the time was deadly and with extreme accuracy.[em_11] [em_11]

    Répondre 07/09/2017
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